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About Us


REFS serve as a resource for graduate students in managing stress and conflict, acting as coaches/mediators, liaisons, and intermediaries.

As coaches and mediators, they help analyze issues and situations brought forth by students and identify appropriate courses of action. They are also trained to mediate conflicts involving students when appropriate.

As liaisons, they provide information about and may refer students to the professional services available at MIT.

As intermediaries, they inform the department of concerns facing the graduate student community.

Before participating in the program, REFS are required to attend the mediation and conflict resolution training administered by Mediation@MIT.

In addition to the above responsibilities, REFS may periodically host social events and engage in other publicity activities aimed at increasing student exposure to and familiarity with the program. Events may also be held to highlight a particular professional service (e.g. the Center for Health and Wellness) available at MIT.

REFS also hold one to two meetings each month to discuss the current status and future direction of the program.

(Adapted from the EECS REFS website.)

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